The first FA Cup was in use from 1872 until 1895. Smaller than the modern version, it was less than 45cm tall, the trophy was made by Martin, Hall & Co and cost the Football Association £20.

On 11th September 1895 the original trophy was stolen from a shop in Birmingham where it had been put on display by the holders, Aston Villa. A £10 reward was offered but the cup was never recovered. The FA fined Aston Villa £25 to pay for a new trophy.
From 1896-1911 a replica of the original trophy was used. The design had been much copied, and the FA decided to introduce a completely new cup. The replica was presented to Lord Kinnaird in recognition of his 21 years as FA president.
The new trophy was designed by Fattorini and Sons of Bradford.
This trophy is now too fragile to be used and a replica was brought in for the 1993 season.